There is a well-established and growing body of evidence that shows that spending time hands-on with plants and animals can make a noticeable difference to your well-being.
Some of those benefits include:
Preventing deterioration in many conditions
Increase cognitive function, emotional and psychological wellbeing
Reduction in stress/anxiety
Improved social interaction
Grief Recovery
Enhanced confidence and sense of achievement
Developing awareness of well-being
Working individually and as part of a team
Opportunity to give back to the community
Improving gross and fine motor skills
Teamwork and collaboration
Gaining dignity and independence
Increased self-esteem
Opportunity to meet and engage with new people
Seeking paid employment or voluntary work
Biodiverse Microfarm & Raised Gardens beds for Seniors & Youth
Ecological solution to educate members on not only the horiticultural therapeutic benefits of working in gardens (fresh air, exercise, and sociability ) but also small scale farming in your own backyard to feed your family producing high quality vegetables at low cost. Only manual tools used and not machinery so you're not turning over the soil to retain soil health and develop permanent bed systems.
Highland Cows, Goats & Chickens
Providing animal care therapy is great for all ages especially seniors and youth for connection and caregiving bond between humans and animals. It serves as a form of relationship building and relaxes many people. Providing animal companionship is proven to lessen stress levels and provide greater enjoyment and comfort.
Caregiver Support
Some of our members coming to the farm to experience gardening, exercise, or hands on crafting events, sociability in group settings or animal therapy may need healthcare support with physical and/or mental well-being. Providing a 3 to 1 ratio of various care team staff allows members to be comfortable knowing they are in a safe environment and have support there if it's needed to perform physical tasks or peri-care. Only if required and determined by our member or the member's family.